Company identification
In accordance with the provisions of French Law No. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 for confidence in the digital economy, users of the website are informed of the identity of the various parties involved in its implementation and monitoring.
Edition of the website
The website is published by NEW LSF, a limited liability company with capital of 7,500 euros, whose registered office is located at 6 rue Foch 34000 Montpellier FRANCE, registered in the Trade and Companies Register under the unique identification number 504 539 388 RCS Montpellier.
Publication manager
M. Marc Lavigne Delville
The site is hosted by the company Kinsta Inc.
Kinsta Inc.
PO Box 532
Clarkesville, GA 30523
United States
The storage of Users’ personal data is carried out exclusively on the data centres (« clusters ») located in Member States of the European Union of the companies Kinsta Inc. and Google Cloud Service.
Contact us
By email:
By phone: +33 (0) 4 76 91 31 60
Information on the use of cookies
The website has a system of audience measurement and analysis of user behaviour.
In application of the European directive, Internet users must be informed and give their consent prior to the insertion of tracers (more commonly known as « cookies »).
Internet users must have the possibility to choose not to be tracked when they visit a site or use an application. Website publishers therefore have an obligation to seek the prior consent of users. Refusal to install a cookie may result in the inability to access certain services. However, the Internet user can configure his web browser to refuse the installation of cookies.
Cookie settings
However, the user can configure his computer in the following way to refuse the installation of cookies:
- Internet Explorer: tool tab > internet options. Click on Confidentiality and choose Block all cookies. Click on Ok to validate.
- Chrome: browser menu > Settings menu > at the bottom of the page choose « Display advanced settings » then go to Content Settings. In the Cookies section, you have several choices:
- Block all cookies: select Forbid all sites to store data.
- Block third-party cookies: Select Block cookies and third-party site data.
- Firefox: In the Firefox menu bar > click Preferences. In the Privacy section, configure the Retention Rules.
- To block all cookies, simply uncheck Accept Cookies.
- For third-party cookies, simply uncheck Accept third-party cookies.
- Under Safari: Choose Safari > Preferences, click Privacy, then click « Change cookie and website data blocking ».
Audience measurement
Cookies are small files that allow us to know and analyse the traffic statistics on the website: the pages visited, the number of visits, the bounce rate, the origin of the visits… Cookies are completely anonymous.
On this site, the Google Analytics solution is used to measure the audience.
Behavioural analysis
These cookies also make it possible to know the behaviour of visitors to the site in order to improve the user experience.
On this site, the HubSpot solution is used to analyze the behavior.
Notice on the use of personal data
NEW LSF will keep in its computer systems and under reasonable conditions of safety a proof of the transaction including the purchase order and the invoice.
In accordance with the provisions of Law 78-17 of 6 January 1978 as amended, the User has a right to access, modify and delete information collected by NEW LSF. To exercise this right, it will be up to the User to send a message to the following address: