2022 : the year of all (nice) surprises

“LSF Montpellier and Institut Européen de Français (IEF) become one! The two best French as a foreign language schools in Montpellier have joined forces to give their students the best experience.

Located in the historic centre of Montpellier, and both enjoying the best reputation, LSF Montpellier and Institut Européen de Français have decided to join forces and form a single school with the objective of offering the best in French language learning and immersion in French culture.

Recognized for their quality (4.9/5 and 5/5 on Facebook and Google), and with the best certifications (Qualité FLE and Qualiopi), both LSF and IEF schools put the quality of their proposal at the heart of their reason to be. Quality of teaching with highly qualified and experienced teachers. Pedagogical quality with tools that are at the cutting edge of what exists today. Quality of the stay with carefully selected accommodations and a wide variety of high quality recreational, artistic, cultural and sports activities.

Quality of learning and life experience are the two pillars of the LSF/IEF value proposition.

The team looks forward to welcoming you and to ensuring that you have an incredible learning and immersion experience in our French culture, of which we are so proud.”

Marc Lavigne Delville CEO

The LSF/IEF 2022 offer

We are very pleased today to present our new 2022 offers, resulting from the fusion of the IEF and LSF proposals.

Let’s celebrate the LSF/IEF merger together

On this occasion, LSF/IEF is offering a special discount: 10% discount on all group courses for your students !

This discount applies to any stay starting between December 1st 2021 and April 4th 2022.

The entire team and myself are at your disposal, so please do not hesitate to contact us at the following addresses: agent@lsf-france.com

With our warmest regards,
Marc Lavigne Delville and all the LSF/IEF team