LSF Montpellier reopened its doors in June 2020 with a continuous and special attention to the safety of students and teachers. Respecting the sanitary protocols defined by the authorities, LSF has taken measures that we present to you briefly on this page. We are constantly up to date and we strictly follow all the regulations to try to offer to best environment and experience for our students. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.
Our school has reopened in a restricted and progressive way according to the following calendar and in accordance with the Decree n° 2020-1115 of September 5th, 2020.
- Opening of the school for face-to-face courses: June 1st, 2020
- Online Keep Learning French offer: still operational since March 2020
- School remains opened and still welcomes students
Posting of instructions in several areas of the school:
- Wearing a mask (surgical or general public): it is mandatory for both employees and students in all situations where the rules of distancing are not guaranteed. Students must come with their own masks. LSF provides masks for teachers as well as visors. The wearing of masks by teachers and administrative staff is mandatory in the presence of students.
- Wearing gloves: they are mandatory for exams that require the handling of materials that are passed from hand to hand.
- Application of barrier gestures: hand washing or hydro-alcoholic gel on arrival at the school, on entering the classroom, before and after using the toilets, after blowing one’s nose, coughing or sneezing, handling objects… No exchange of materials will be possible. Welcome snacks, aperitifs and other collective sharing of drinks are forbidden until further notice.
- Physical distance: layout of the classrooms, closing of the kitchen and deactivation of drink dispensers…
- Limitation of flows: breaks are taken outside, on the terrace or in the school garden.
- Cleaning and maintenance: ventilation of classrooms, cleaning and disinfection of premises and equipment before a new group enters a room. Areas subject to regular contact (door handles, stairs railings, switches, mobile teaching equipment, etc.) are cleaned and disinfected several times a day.
- Suspected case of Covid-19: There is no temperature taking at the entrance to the school. Everyone is requested (staff and students) to watch for the appearance of symptoms with a very regular temperature taking before leaving for school (temperature below 37.8°). In case of symptoms within the school, the student must notify a member of the team and isolate in a special room while waiting for the host family (or the medical emergency services) to pick them up. The school will inform the Regional Health Agency. The whole team will ensure that the sanitary rules are maintained: students who do not respect these rules will be invited to return home.
Concerning the accommodation of students, either in host families or in residences, LSF is also very strict about the sanitary conditions in place.
4.1 – Host families
Here is what has been agreed with the host families:
- Taking your shoes off in the house
- Whenever possible, changing your outfit once you get home (indoors/outdoors outfits).
- Family members and the student agree to respect barrier gestures inside and outside the house for the protection of all: washing hands or hydro-alcoholic gel on arrival at the host family, before and after using the toilet, after blowing one’s nose, coughing or sneezing;
- Provision of a few masks and hydro-alcoholic gel;
- If any symptoms appear, family members and the student notify each other, get tested and report the results. The school must be notified.
4.2 – Student residence
“Wearing of the mask is mandatory IN COMMON PARTS.”
- Instructions posted and communicated to residents:
- Disinfect your hands regularly
- There is a common sanitary facility on the ground floor with water, soap and paper towels.
- Make sure to respect the safety distance with the clients and the employees of the residence (1.5 meters minimum).
- Avoid touching the reception desk, doors and common areas.
- Presence allowed in the dining hall (to work or chat) but respecting safety distances (1.5 metres minimum).
- Access to the rooms preferably by stairs
- Lift: if exceptional need (elderly – disabled or other) – couples and family only.
- Departure: Please hand in your room key and other keys in the box provided at the reception desk or in the specific box on your departure.
- Lodging:
- Particular care is taken to disinfect each room.
- In case of suspicion of fever, cough, malaise during your stay: please contact the reception who will communicate the procedure to follow.
- Removal of the bedding service: Ready to use bedding sets are available at the reception desk.
- Between two departures:
- Longer rest periods between each rental period.
- The use of certified disinfection products
Please check the Official Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole website to have the most updated information regarding your stay in Montpellier.