Hello from Montpellier,
I am back to my favorite section “Le carnet de Margot”. 😊
I am happy to continue to share with you the activities that take place at LSF Montpellier school. This time, I have the pleasure to present to you the activity which consists of complete immersion of our students in French life. It is a wine and cheese tasting. A unique opportunity to discover one of France’s culinary treasures. Not to be missed, especially when you are in France! 😍
Shall I tell you about it?
The tasting started with Roquefort, a cheese with a specific and strong taste. Then we tested Laguiole, Bleu des Causses and finally Pélardon with a nutty flavor. Miaaam. During this activity, the students took the opportunity to learn some gastronomic words to express their tastes. For example: acide, épicé, fort, délicieux, doux, délicat. After this activity, we felt like real experts! So useful in an informal conversation at an aperitif with French people, for example, or simply to impress your friends!
The participants were also able to taste the dry and sweet wine (“moelleux”= sweet wine), again useful new words for them!
Thus, our students enjoyed the time by listening to the history as well as the particularities of each product and by exchanging with their friends. At the end of the evening, they were able to find their favorite wine and cheese. Here are some photos of this incredible atmosphere!