Here is all the information you need in order to come learn French in France. Starting now!
1. Who can currently travel to France?
On 12 March 2021, the French government eased the conditions for entering France:
- For countries in the European Union (Andorra, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Norway, San Marino, Vatican city and Switzerland) it is sufficient to present the result of a biological virological screening test (RT-PCR) that does not conclude to a contamination by COVID-19 and carried out 72 hours before departure.
- For countries outside the European Union: Australia, South Korea, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and Singapore. It is no longer necessary to justify a compelling reason to travel to or from France.
2. Where can I find information on whether I can travel to France?
In general, here are the websites where you can find information about travelling to France :
The France Diplomatie website: a website where you can find all the information you need regarding your country.
The governement speech regarding the borders.
The Explore France website, which contains the latest information on entering and leaving the country.
If the information is not complete, you can easily contact the French Embassy in your country as well.
3. Course options that adapt to current conditions
At LSF we have developed options that adapt to your needs and constraints. These options allow you to study French in the best conditions:
- Mixed offers : a mix of online and immersion courses, tailor-made to suit your situation. Our teaching is based on the principle of Blended & Collaborative Learning. For example, you can start your course online and then continue your learning in France. The advantage is that you won’t lose any time and you can be sure of receiving consistent teaching because we use exactly the same teaching tools, whether you are in a classroom or at a distance.
- Serenity Pass: it offers you extremely flexible booking, cancellation and postponement conditions so that you can book with complete peace of mind.
Find all our course offers here!
Do you want to travel to France to learn French? Don’t hesitate to contact our team.